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Things Bioware/EA should do about the Mass Effect 3 “incident”

I’m not going to go into any real details on any of the subjects, just as a loyal Bioware/Mass Effect fan, here is a small list of things I think Bioware/EA should do.

1. As a gesture of good will, offer to match the $80,000 raised by the fans, don’t make all this about money.  Bioware/EA have more than enough money, and the kids could do with some love from a large company like Bioware/EA.

2. Stop being so cryptic, it’s getting boring, another game will be out soon, and people will stop caring about Mass Effect all together, if this is the real ending, explain it to us! If not, explain that to us.

3. Stop locking threads in the forum using lame excuses, please be honest as to why a thread is being locked.

4. If all this is because you did something stupid, just apologize, it’s really easy to do.

5. Dr Ray Muzyka asked the loyal fans to be civil and constructive, I would like Bioware/EA to ask the same of the journalists posting regarding this “incident”, instead of using words in their headlines such as “Whiny or child like”, it’s not helping the fans and it is definitely NOT helping Bioware/EA.

Thats all for now.

My name is David Hatch, I am a husband, parent and a gamer, I have played games for as long as I can remember, all the way back from a ZX81 to the XBOX360 and into the future with the PS4. I will always be a gamer.

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