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Why is Bioware doing ending DLC instead of a blog post?

There appears to be a lot of annoucements on the internet about Bioware producing something called the “Extended Cut”, which will be some “additional cinematic sequences and epilogue scenes”, due for release sometime during Summer 2012.

This new FREE DLC will clarify some of the questions surrounding the current ending for Mass Effect 3, Now what really puzzles me about this is: Why don’t they just do it in a Blog post?  Use words and just tell us what the ending

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Things Bioware/EA should do about the Mass Effect 3 “incident”

I’m not going to go into any real details on any of the subjects, just as a loyal Bioware/Mass Effect fan, here is a small list of things I think Bioware/EA should do.

1. As a gesture of good will, offer to match the $80,000 raised by the fans, don’t make all this about money.  Bioware/EA have more than enough money, and the kids could do with some love from a large company like Bioware/EA.

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My thoughts on the Mass Effect 3 Endings (*Spoilers*)


Recently there has been quite an uproar concerning the ending of Mass Effect 3 (Here and here) . It’s quite interesting to see that many people getting together to ask for something to be “changed”.

It’s a very strange end. It ignores, and effectively destroys, everything you have fought and worked for in the combined three games. It’s like that saying… “There be Dragons”… but with any good story, you need to know that

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