Rock Band 2
#RockBand2 Good family fun. Gets boring unless you want to listen to music. Making your Rock Star is the best part of the game.
#RockBand2 Good family fun. Gets boring unless you want to listen to music. Making your Rock Star is the best part of the game.
#Torchlight It's a #Diablo clone,well worth the money,mindless fun.You get a Dog or Cat, Spells & Weapons. Hack & Slash Heaven.
#DantesInferno Wonderful combat, interesting,erie and spooky Visuals and Sounds. Fun game, but why the HELL are there so many puzzles
#SpiderMan3 With great power,comes great responsibility. DEVELOPERS, you have the Spiderman License. GET IT RIGHT can't be that hard!
#CallOfJuarez #BoundinBlood It's JUST CRAP. The voices are awful, the guns SUCK, graphics are poor. It's just a VERY BAD game,Stay Away from it.
#DawnofWar2 It's a strange game,feels more like an RPG than a RTS at times. The FREE DLC has made this game a classic. Great fun.
#TheGoldenCompass You get fight as a BIG KICK ASS White BEAR. For about 5 minutes before you switch off your 360 and watch paint dry.
#DeadRising Running around killing Zombies with anything you can get your hands on,what could go wrong?Hours between SAVES,that's what
#SplinterCell #Conviction COOP Dual Execution is just so much fun.This game was BORN to be played COOP. Grab a friend and it's Genius