Star Wars : Force Unleashed
#ForceUnleashed It's fun at first, the #StarWars story fits brilliantly.It gets very boring after a short time.No reason to play again.
Batman : Arkham Asylum
#Batman #ArkhamAsylum Being like Batman without the dead family part is just great fun. It really does make you feel just like the Dark Knight.
Prince of Persia
#PrinceofPersia Funny and very good looking,but overall tedious,has some good moments,but I got bored after a short time. Worth £10.
Guitar Hero : Metallica
#GuitarHero #Metallica The only good Guitar Hero game belonged to someone else. Until they made Metallica. It RULES.Grab a Guitar right now.
#Borderlands It's Diablo as a FPS with Co-op, that makes this game AWESOME, very addictive and hours of fun and great humour.
Burnout Paradise
#BurnoutParadise Great Stunts, Speed, Cars in this wonderful game, but deep down, it's not Burnout, as us older people remember it.
Army Of Two : The 40th Day
#ArmyOfTwo #The40thDay :Bad sequel to a great game,the humour has gone,doesn't save after you buy guns,so if you die you have to do it again.
Army of Two
#ArmyOfTwo Great co-op game, with a good sense of humour and plenty of guns. Nice replay value. Online MP is just so laggy & broken