Genre: Single-player action-adventure, stealth
- Available for:
- PC
- PS4
- XBOX One
I played: 60 hours and still playing
- Now this is how you do a prequel. A great soft reboot of the Assassin's Creed series.
- A great selection of weapons and RPG elements.
- The new combat system is another welcome the change. It's not perfect, but it's a lot better than the previous Assassin's Creed titles.
- A nice levelling system that encourages you to level up before you go to certain areas. #OneHitKill
- The setting is incredible, and it players like a dream (PS4 Pro), Egypt looks and feels authentic (at least compared to what I imagine Egypt should look and feel like during this time period).
- The story is well told, and there are some very likeable characters.
- The way the game is constructed, as well as the content, really encourages you to continue to explore the open world around you after finishing the actual game.
- The quests are generally more interesting - it's not just a "pick up this, drop it here" any more.
- The present timeline story is lacklustre and doesn't really tell us enough about what is going on.
- Some weapons are so powerful that once you acquire them, you won't really want to change, meaning that you probably won't get to try all the weapons. This isn't really a "problem" as such, but they could have balanced it a bit better. I'm nitpicking.
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