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Uncharted 4 – A Thief’s End
#Uncharted4 #AThiefsEnd Epic adventure from start to finish. A visual masterpiece with engaging set pieces and great characters. Solid, well established gameplay makes Uncharted a joy to play. The addition of larger areas plays well into the Uncharted gameplay, allowing different ways to attain the same goal.
The Witcher 3 – Hearts of Stone
#Witcher3 #HeartsofStone Another amazing story that only reinforces the fact that #CDProjektRed is one of the best developers out there. A joy to play, and great value for money.
Fallout 4
#Fallout4 The combat feels very outdated, but that really doesn't stop the game from being fun. It's "more" Fallout, and there is always something else just around the corner, and the next corner. The new crafting adds a some good depth, but also makes the inventory harder to manage.
Uncharted : The Nathan Drake Collection
#Uncharted #TheNathanDrakeCollection The Characters, story and game direction are a joy to experience. An excellent remaster all around, but it lacks replayability. Overall amazing value for money. In the words of Uncharted: "Greatness from Small Beginnings".
Quantum Break
#QuantumBreak A well told story with some fantastic combat. If you have played Remedy games before, you know exactly what you are getting. Lacks much in the way of replayability, but a really great game to play. The mix of Live action and gameplay really adds to the experience.
Assassin’s Creed Syndicate
#AssassinsCreed #Syndicate Entertaining story & characters. Smooth gameplay and some nice gadgets. The franchise is really starting to show it's age, but it's a fun game none the less.
Homeworld : Deserts of Kharak
#Homeworld #DesertsofKharak An atmosphere which, despite the loss of open space, evokes Homeworld perfectly. It is "bare bones" however & lacks gameplay depth as a result of this.
Zen Pinball 2 – The Force Awakens
#ZenPinball2 #TheForceAwakens The game never fails to amaze me, it always produces high quality, entertaining Pinball tables. These are both great fun, and really capture the essense of the new Star Wars.
Star Wars : Battlefront
#StarWars #Battlefront Long awaited, great fun & doesn't take its self to seriously. Nice variety of game types & great to play with a friend. You can only partner with one other person. The perk system can be a bit of a lottery. Choking people & shooting lighting from ones finger tips is epic
Rise of the Tomb Raider
#RiseoftheTombRaider Interesting story with some wonderful characters. Great looking game that makes use of enviromental sounds very well. Not much is different from the previous #TombRaider, but to be honest, that isn't a bad thing.
Call of Duty : Black Ops 3
#BlackOpsIII Great game, but essentially it's a bit SSDD (Same S@*t Different Day). It feels like it's trying to be what the Mass Effect Multiplayer should have been, which is kind of odd. If you've bought the other games, you're going to buy this one.
Divinity Original Sin – Enhanced Edition
#Divinity #OriginalSin #EnhancedEdition A very Modern old school RPG, that oozes charm and character. Pacing sometimes feels off, and the inventory is a real pain at times. The turn based combat is great and easy to use.
Guild Wars 2 : Heart of Thorns
#HeartOfThorns Best MMO out there. The Gliding & the Guild Halls are amazing. Better storytelling, but main story glosses over some interesting aspects as you "fly through" it. Great time/loot sinks. Mastery system gives your account the feeling of levelling.
Risen 3 – Titan Lords : Enhanced Edition
#Risen3 #TitanLords #EnhancedEdition Frame rate issues, Poor presentation & weak story. Clunky controls with an odd lag when you try to dodge. Has some nice RPG elements & looks good, but combat isn't very good
Destiny: The Taken King
#Destiny #TheTakenKing Interesting story, better game mechanics & a MUCH better version of Destiny, but as a veteran player, all your old gear is useless. For new players, it's a great time to start playing. Still great fun with friends.
The Red Solstice
#TheRedSolstice The game can be overwhelming with a steep learning curve, but once you get into it , it is hard to put down, mainly due to nice environments, balanced mechanics & fast paced game-play
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter
#TheVanishingOfEthanCarter More of an experience than a game. You really try at least once. Visually stunning, Interesting & very confusing. I was unable to play for long periods time, as it caused me motion sickness
Q.U.B.E. Directors Cut
#QUBE #DirectorsCut Interesting concept with some great puzzles, a little disorientating at times & controls take time to get used to. Puzzles are a lot better than the story. Nice #Portal elements
Ori And The Blind Forest
#OriAndTheBlindForest One of the most emotionally gripping stories I have played. Very cute & never dull. Hard at times & when it's hard, you know it's you who did it wrong & not the game punishing you
Geometry Wars 3 Dimensions Evolved
#GeometryWars3 It's back. Not a game that you can play at the same time as doing anything else. Great "pick up & play" feeling to it. Interesting levels & powerups, Worth the time, but #HateBossFights
Battlefield Hardline
#Battlefield #Hardline: Slow uptake but well thought out. Niggles here and there, but overall it plays well as both a stealthy approach or in true Battlefield style - go in guns blazing.
Batman Arkham Knight
#Batman #ArkhamKnight Interesting & enjoyable story. Side Missions lack variety. Game is frustrating at times. Bat-mobile is a nice touch & it's always good to be Batman.
The Witcher 3 : Wild Hunt
#TheWitcher3 #WildHunt Visually stunning game, one of the most well written games I have ever played. Loved every minute of it, was never frustrated, bored or had a hard time finding anything to do
Pillars of Eternity
#pillarsofeternity One of the few and most likely the best game to come from a kickstarter campaign and possibility the only game this year that lives up to player expectations.

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