Latest Reviews
Army Of Two : The 40th Day
#ArmyOfTwo #The40thDay :Bad sequel to a great game,the humour has gone,doesn't save after you buy guns,so if you die you have to do it again.
Army of Two
#ArmyOfTwo Great co-op game, with a good sense of humour and plenty of guns. Nice replay value. Online MP is just so laggy & broken
Dragon Age : Origins
#DragonAge Ugly Graphics, Bad console control, Clichéd RPG game. Too much grind and too many silly 'do this, kill this' quests.
Mass Effect 2
#MassEffect2 Sci-fi RPG Sequel.This game MIGHT be better with a 3D TV. Great characters, story & atmosphere. Better than #MassEffect.
Mass Effect
#MassEffect Sci-fi RPG Shooter. Captivating story,and wonderful characters. One of the most awesome games ever made. 4th time through.

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